Furnace & Air Conditioning System Cleaning

Furnace Clean & Check

Requirements from furnace manufacturers and the Fire Safety Department state that furnaces should be cleaned and inspected annually. Is your:

  • Furnace firing properly?
  • Electrical wiring burned?
  • Unit operating efficiently?
  • Blower area clear of debris?

Do you want a safer furnace? Schedule now and save!

CO Testing

Carbon Monoxide (CO) does not have a taste or smell and cannot be seen. CO is produced by all gas burning appliances such as your furnace, boiler, stove and water heater. According to an EPA report, CO detectors are not generally considered to be as reliable as smoke detectors. Neglected units can cause severe sickness and even death. CO tests are recommended each fall season. Schedule now for a CO test to be preformed in your home!

Air Conditioning Cleaning & Check

Why is it important to clean my air conditioning unit? Because annual cleanings prolong the life of your air conditioning unit as well as:

  • Enhancing cool air flow throughout the house.
  • Enabling the unit to run efficiently.
  • Preventing hazardous operation.
  • Removing rodents and other debris.

Do you want a more comfortable home? Schedule now and save!

Dryer Clean & Check

Each year according to the Consumer Protection Agency over 16,000 residential fires originate from unsafe dryer exhaust. Is your:

  • Dryer operating efficiently?
  • Dryer pipe connected to outside vent?
  • Dryer pipe filled with lint?
  • Outside dryer pipe clean of debris?
  • Dryer Cleaning

Do you want a safer dryer? Schedule now and save!